French Knot

Step 1: Begin your French knot by poking the needle up through the fabric. Pull enough thread through so that you can point the needle back at the thread. It is helpful if you knot the thread on the underside of the fabric so more thread doesn't keep pulling through.
Step 2: Wrap the thread around the end of your needle once and pull it tight. Then wrap the thread around the needle a second time. Again, make sure you pull the thread tight around the needle.
Step 3: While continuing to pull the looped thread tight around the needle, poke the end of the needle back down into the fabric, fairly close to where you came up. Put one hand under the fabric to slowly pull the needle through while the other hand keeps the thread taut.
Step 4: Once the needle has been pulled all the way through, let go of the thread and pull the rest of the loop of thread down through the knot. Pull the thread so it forms a nice knot, and you are finished!
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